NHL Rumors: Toronto Maple Leafs Musings, Kevin Weekes

Into The Toronto Maple Leafs’ Salary Cap Conundrum

James Mirtle of The Athletic: Toronto represents a fluid situation where plenty of things are on the table even with the Coach and General Manager coming back. That much is certain. Toronto has $11 million to spend and seven current roster spots to fill.

First up is Petr Mrazek. Toronto wants no part of him and trading him (with sweetener) is of greater benefit than a buyout. Freeing up $2.8 million would help a good deal.

Bridge deals to their younger defenseman also would help Toronto in the short-term but likely hurt in the long-term. With the Toronto cap where it is, there are precious few alternatives.

After some RFA wrangling, a best scenario has Toronto with about $8 million in space and four players still to sign. Mark Giordano’s hometown discount for two years helps but Toronto still has work to do.

Toronto will have money to spend on goaltenders (at least $6.5 million) but what direction do they go? There are a few players who could be traded like Alexander Kerfoot. Could that be explored? That would free up $3.5 million but again try finding a trade partner sooner rather than later.

The Maple Leafs possess more possibilities than it appears. Now, management just has to act.

Kevin Weekes Still Under Consideration In San Jose

Sheng Peng of NBC Sports Bay Area: The extensive hunt for a General Manager may have as many as 20-25 candidates. One still appears to be Kevin Weekes.

“I think is in the mix there,” Elliotte Friedman of Sportsnet said on his 32 Thoughts Podcast today.

Granted, that was a few days ago. On the other hand, Ray Whitney is the only formal interview currently. The belief is by next week, there should be four or five serious candidates. Time will tell.

Along with Weekes, Ryan Martin (New York Rangers’ AGM) and Jason Botterill could be in the mix too. Martin is a relative unknown in some circles but interviews well. San Jose still has plenty of work to do here. The only thing certain is that a decision is not imminent.