The Old Grey Cells Still Matter

So, commentators and riders have not always got it right but sometimes even the teams get it wrong. Repsol Honda got it very wrong at Phillip Island in 2013. Marc Marquez was closing in on his first MotoGP™ title in his debut season. The circuit had been resurfaced and Bridgestone knew their tyres would not last the race distance and so a flag-to-flag race with a compulsory pit stop was planned. Riders were instructed to change tyres on laps nine or ten. Maths had never been my strong point, but I marked down each lap as the riders raced down the magnificent Gardner main straight. When Marquez raced past at the end of lap ten, I thought I must have run out of fingers and miscalculated but for once it was not me. The Repsol Honda team had not run out of fingers and unbelievably had missed a lap. Marquez was black-flagged, handing 25 precious points to Jorge Lorenzo. But, once again, take heart Aleix, Marquez still was crowned World Champion at the end of the season.