“Got Your Hat!” Jake Paul Ignites Wild Fracas At Floyd Mayweather-Logan Paul Press Conference

Posted on 05/06/2021

By: Sean Crose

Things apparently were going quite well at the Floyd Mayweahter-Logan Paul press conference in Miami to promote their June 6th pay per view bout. Then Logan’s younger brother’ Jake came in and things went crazy. “It turned into a Pier 6 brawl,” Boxing Insider publisher Larry Goldberg said. “He (Jake) basically took Floyd’s hat.” Which is something video evidence indicates is not a wise thing to so.

“I’m capable of kicking two asses in one night,” Mayweather had said earlier, pointing to both Paul brothers. “The only thing that’s fake on this stage is Floyd’s hairline,” Logan shot back. Things didn’t get truly ugly until Jake and Floyd started jawing at each other. When Jake snatched Mayweather’s hat off his head, things got out of hand.

“Got your hat,” said Jake as Floyd’s bodyguards piled on him in a far less than gentle fashion. An enraged Mayweather moved forward as his bodyguards buried Jake in a pile of flesh and security got involved. Things eventually settled down, though it wasn’t clear if Mayweather would once more come out to address the media.

UPDATE: In what should probably come as a surprise to know one, Jack Paul appears to have gotten a black eye to go with Mayweather’s hat.